Experiment of December 11, 2019:

The time to submit an answer is over. You can now view the solution of the experiment.

Solution video:



What does Ms. Santa see when she looks straight through the glass and diagonally from below?

A) Looking straight through the glass, right-left is reversed; looking from below, top-bottom is reversed.

B) Looking straight through the glass, top-bottom is reversed; looking from below, right-left is reversed.

C) Looking straight through the glass, top-bottom and right-left are reversed; looking from below, right-left is reversed.

D) Looking straight through the glass, right-left is reversed; looking from below, top-bottom and right-left are reversed.

Advice of the day:

Please take a close look at the film and place the object at a sufficient distance from the glass so that you can see the whole object. If you look from diagonally below, the object you are looking at should be further down at the height of the glass foot. We still had to move our heads a little to see the object piece by piece.