Experiment of December 4, 2016:
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Solution video:
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What does Mr. Santa observe when he removes the end flap after 1 minute?
A) The strands of spaghetti are still jumbled up. Nothing has changed.
B) The strands of spaghetti have lined themselves up and almost all of them are lying parallel to the short side of the packet.
C) The strands of spaghetti have lined themselves up and almost all of them are lying parallel to the long side of the packet.
D) The strands of spaghetti have lined themselves up. Roughly equal numbers are now lying parallel to the short and the long sides of the packet.
Advice of the day:
A similar experiment was conducted within the "Jugend forscht" competition. Look up on the internet the expressions "Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt Jugend forscht".