Experiment of December 2, 2016:
The time to submit an answer is over. You can now view the solution of the experiment.
Solution video:
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Which unusual observation does Mr. Santa make?
A) The mixture becomes noticeably warmer.
B) The mixture becomes noticeably cooler.
C) The mixture is rock hard when he strikes it with his spoon, yet the spoon slowly sinks in when he places it on the surface.
D) The mixture comes away from the mixing bowl very easily because its surface tension is very high.
Advice of the day:
Mr. Santa uses the food colouring only for you to make it look better - you do not need it. Please be patient and add the water drop by drop. Otherwise you can easily add too much water and the effect does not occurs.
Please do remember to watch yesterday's solution video. For 10 watched solution videos, you receive one additional joker. It pays off! ;)